When we first came up with the idea for an official TNS Lifting Belt, we thought to ourselves, "every belt on the market is basically the same, how can we do something completely different"?
We were strapped for ideas until meeting the owners of Blitz Belts, a local belt company based out of Greenville SC. They specialize in a durable velcro lifting belt, that CrossFitters across the world rely on to provide support for their training.
With our background of Bodybuilding & Powerlifting, we decided to bridge the gap by taking the best features from both belt styles, & merging them.
Introducing: The TNS Power Belt
This Belt is designed with 3 specific focuses:
- Provide the abdominal support & stability like that of a lever belt, for the most intense movements
- Lightweight & flexible design like a traditional velcro belt
- maintain industrial velcro integrity with not just one strap, but two, allowing for over 2000lbs of resistant force.
Have a powerful workout everyday with the TNS Power Belt.